EFRI Summer School 2021 - Hybrid form

It is our great pleasure to announce that the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka is organizing the International Summer School „International Environment and European Integration“. For the first time, due to the epidemiological situation, EFRI Summer School will be held in hybrid form.
International EFRI Summer School will be held from July 5th to July 16, 2021. Participants of EFRI Summer School will be students from many European Union countries, non-EU countries, and from the Republic of Croatia, with an interest in the topic of the European union, processes of integration, and business in the international environment.
Summer school is a form of socializing and education of young people whit enables international cooperation. The goal of the EFRI Summer School is to broaden the knowledge of students of economics, law, political sciences, administration, and other related studies on the economic integration process in Europe, and to point out the advantages and challenges of economic integration and business environment in everyday life. As part of the Summer School, cooperation with the local community, successful Croatian companies, and other important institutions is planned.
The program of EFRI Summer School is completely held in the English language. With successful completion of the program, participants will achieve 6 ECTS points which they can use in their future education.
Students can participate in EFRI Summer School ONLINE or ONSITE, depending on their preferences.
Application for summer school is possible through the online form at the following link: http://form.jotformeu.com/203493562544357
The deadline for application is June 15, 2021.
Other information about EFRI Summer School is available on: https://summerschool-efri.com/
For any other questions, the head of the EFRI Summer School Marko Tomljanović, PhD (Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.), and secretaries of the EFRI Summer School Dorjana Dodić, MEcon (Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.), and Elizabeta Ribarić (Ова адреса ел. поште је заштићена од спамботова. Омогућите JavaScript да бисте је видели.) are at your disposal.
We look forward to seeing you in our summer school!
EFRI Summer School Team 2021


Обавештавамо вас да Народна банка Србије и ове године, у периоду од 1. јула до 31. августа, традиционално организује летњу праксу за студенте завршних година факултета у Србији, као и за држављане Републике Србије који студирају на факултетима у иностранству.
Будући да се на праксу прима до 37 студената различитог образовног профила са факултета у Србији, желели бисмо да што већи број студената буде обавештен о пракси коју организујемо.