IV ELSA ex-Yu конференција тему "Грађанска непослушност као једно од основних људских права" се одржала од 29.11. до 2.12.2012. године, у хотелу "Сплендид", Бечићи у Црној Гори ...
IV ELSA ex-Yu конференција тему "Грађанска непослушност као једно од основних људских права" се одржала од 29.11. до 2.12.2012. године, у хотелу "Сплендид", Бечићи у Црној Гори ...
Дана 25.10.2012. године на Правном факултету у Нишу одржана је презентација Мреже Правних факултета Југоисточне Европе – SEELS, чији је један од оснивача и Правни факултет Универзитета у Нишу ...
Представници Правног факултета Универзитета у Нишу, проф. др Александар Ћирић и доц. др Дејан Вучетић боравили су у Москви, на позив представника Правног факултета Финансијског универзитета Владе Руске Федерације, од 3. до 7. октобра 2012. године ...
All the participants of the jubilee 10th PIL Conference have evaluated the Conference proceedings as highly successful and rewarding in terms of quality contents, overall organization, good attendance and remarkable composition of participants.
The success of the Conference has been significantly enhanced by the organizer's decision to use a less usual conference format. Namely, the traditional conference model based on paper presentation has been replaced by a more interactive discussion format. Thus, the topics were introduced by carefully selected rapporteurs who provided the introductory report on the given topic, which was further discussed and elaborated in the course of a 2,5-hour debate (per session). Some topics inspired constructive polemic discussions, conducted with a lot of spirit and tolerance. Such a concept has given rise to a number of very significant PIL questions and concurrently resulted in a number of interesting proposals and solutions.
The participation of young PIL assistants from almost all law faculties of ex-Yugoslavia has given this Conference an added quality. The Conference was also attended for the first time by the official representatives of the Ministry of Justice, which is the central authority for some Hague conventions.
This Conference has been organized by prof. dr Mirko Živković and teaching assistant Sanja Marjanović.
On 5th October 2012, Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, dr Hans van Loon officially opened the Centre for Private International Law of the Hague Conventions, which is located on the premises of the Law Faculty in Niš.
This Centre is the only one of this kind in this part of Europe.
The PIL Centre will promote a more extensive study of PIL on the Hague conventions and help graduate and post-graduate students in their master and doctoral studies.
In cooperation with the competent ministries of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, this Center will also contribute to a more comprehensive analysis of the ratified Hague conventions and their more efficient implementation in practice.